
Showing posts from December, 2012
New beginning By Thabo Sebe   Today is the last day of the year 2012, within few hours we will welcome 2013. I hope all of us will utilise this opportunity and have a new beginning in life, if ever you have failed in something you tried last year, this is the great time to start again and make sure that you succeed this time.   Like a new born baby, forget all bad things that happened in your life in the past year, forgive all those who wronged you and make sure that you take your life to new heights. It doesn’t help to dwell on the past, everything that occurred in your life, happened for a reason. Let’s just hope you learned your lesson and it will help you make informed decisions this year.   Let this year, be the year you shine more than ever and conquer the world, sometimes life has a funny way of teaching or preparing us for the future. The road to success is never straight, there is a curb called failure loop called confusion: Red lights called
From nowhere to somewhere with passion By Thabo Sebe   The people we meet along the way in our lives tend to become our greatest assets, mostly people we are not related to, become our builders as most of the time people we know have a tendency to be jealous or they just don’t want to see you succeeding in life.   I have been fortunate enough to have worked in the media/marketing industry for the most part of my life, only armed with a dream and the love for the industry and I lacked the knowledge of this industry but I was privileged to have met great people who were always willing to help me make it, In all different companies I have worked for, I was lucky to have met the right people at the right times who helped me prosper with flying colours. They always encouraged and mentored me even though I had no formal qualification or experience but loved my passion and willingness to learn new ropes about this industry and truly speaking they have contributed positivel
Marry Christmas to each and everyone of you, Just know that I love you more than anything in the world. Enjoy yourselves and take good care. God bless
Corruption ruining Havoc in Africa By Thabo Sebe     I sometimes wonder why African countries are so trapped in corruption; even the leaders of this beautiful continent are so into corruption that they even forget to lead us to Sodom and Gomorra.   Africa as one of the richest continent is failing its people, we have minerals and the most beautiful continent where tourists flock into our continent like no other but corruption has ruined us big time.   Right now our continent is ranked lowest in terms of governance, corruption and it is ravaged by wars, people fighting for minerals and all sorts of greed. Africa was supposed to be the shining light of all continents but alas, thanks to the rulers and leaders, its people become poorer every day.   There is no peace in the Mother land and I also think that western countries have a hand in this disability of Africa, as they have looted its riches and they are the ones who entice our leaders with big mon
The presidency of looting and devastation By Thabo Sebe     Since Jacob Zuma took over the Presidency, our country is doomed. we are going nowhere slowly as a rainbow nation.   ·          Unemployment is in now reaching boiling points, ·          Our tax is enriching the president and politicians who are his yes man, ·          Credit ratings have just been downgraded, ·          Nepotism is rife in government, ·          Children’s rights to education have been violated with the shortage of books, ·          The workforce is frustrated and the communities are up in arms, ·          The economy is shrinking. ·          Government departments are partying a storm instead of improving people’s lives.   I think our president should write a biography after his term ends (Titled: How not to govern ), before the SACP implements the law that wishes to protect the President who is busy destroying our country and silencing the masses, like the pr
Hurricane Jacob will destroy our country if re-elected in Mangaung By Thabo Sebe     I might not be that well educated as most of you but I know the disaster when I see one. I know the difference between a rain and a hurricane, and I foresee hurricane Jacob destroying our country if elected for the second term. I wish ANC comrades can vote with their minds not their heads in the Mangaung conference, even though some will not benefit again from shabby businesses.   If ANC cadres are seriously concerned in saving our country, I think the 1 st positive step they should take is remove JZ from his throne as he lacks leadership skills and he is taking our country 100 steps backward. If the ANC delegates had the power to remove Thabo Mbeki who was executing his duties diligently during the tenure of his presidency then I don’t see the problem of removing our underperforming president.   Zuma lacks all qualities of a good leader and he should have at least su