Leadership is needed to help striking farm workers

By Thabo Sebe


I occasionally doubt if our current government is for the people, by the people and for the people. Every time when its people are in frenzy they first have to strike to be taken seriously, it is as if this government has not learned from what happened in Marikana.

They just ignore what is happening in the Western Cape with farm strikes, just what they did with the Marikana incident, they only send police to monitor the situation, when they are supposed to be there for the workers and negotiate with them or on their behalf with the employers so to calm the situation.


Our government is to blame for all this, because they are the ones who rush to set unacceptable minimum wages for farm workers, cleaners, domestic workers, miners and security guards knowing that this is not a living wage for them as if they are setting them up for failure, forgetting that these never ending strikes are affecting our country economically.


When it comes to the president, his cabinet and members of parliament they always give themselves unreasonable salary increases every year without first demonstrating but on the other hand they claim to standardize salaries of the above mentioned industries, and they steal a look in their salary matters once in 5 years and after that they have the audacity to claim to be working for the poor, whilst they are here just to fill their own pockets.


Taking into consideration what president Jacob Zuma said last Friday during the 101 anniversary of the ANC, I quote “businesses that support ANC will benefit enormously from the government”.

This in my own understanding means the government in return collude with these businesses to rob the nation and workers so that the government of the ANC can return the favour for the huge sponsorship they received from these companies.


Our country has no direction since the presidency of Jacob Zuma, strikes take place every day and the government doesn’t care until there are deaths, I would like the government to take action while things are still new and by so doing South Africans will have confidence in him.

My other believe is that corruption is what breeds all this mayhem in our country, as David Hume said “corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst”  and we all know that crime is merely  politics without the excuses.


How can we trust our leader when they are not attending to our pleas, honesty in politics is much like oxygen? The higher you go the scarier it becomes.

I thing the Western Cape province is in South Africa, just because it’s premier is from opposition party does not mean anything. Act now Mr. President to show us that you were elected to serve the people of this country and not just your party.


These are the moments when you were supposed to rise above the rest and show your leadership skills by rescuing the Concordia called South Africa before it sinks further.


I will judge you by the swift actions you will take.

