Western powers at it again
By: Thabo Sebe

Every time countries in Asia and Africa have problems, western countries meddle in those countries issues in the name of bringing peace and stability whilst they know that they always are the ones who benefit from these conflicts at the end of these wars.
The western powers always bring destruction, civil wars, poverty and depleted families and they end up messing and looting those countries while the population of these countries seek refuge somewhere else.
These countries always arrive in these countries uninvited, saying they are here to help restore democracy and the rule of law, knowing that they want these countries to rely on their assistance after all is done and dusted.

Amazingly the United Nations keeps mum every time these western countries interfere in other countries domestic issues, but they are very vocal when countries from outside the western bloc attempt the same tactics, I think we have witnessed  and learnt enough from  countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and many more countries they have bulldozed.

These countries have never witnessed peace and stability since United States of America, United Kingdom and all its allies have left. I thought maybe these western powers will learn from their past mistake and let these countries solve their internal problems without any interference but alas they keep on pouring petrol to the flames.
Algeria took their own decisions with the kidnapped foreigners and they succeeded with minimal deaths but if it had allowed these western powers to bring military assistance to its shore, we could have been talking about hundreds if not thousands of deaths of even innocent children civilian and military personnel mostly from the country they have invaded.

I think now it is the time for the United Nations, African Union and Arab League to take strong actions against these countries, they can’t just keep mum while millions of their citizens are being killed in the name of donations that these countries provide after messing the lives people.

We all know that they have superior economies and military but is not acceptable to show it off by bullying other small countries, we would appreciate their help if they were requested to help but is seems they want to re-colonise this countries again and again.


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